A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Vegyészmérnöki mesterképzési szak nappali MSc

Subject data sheet

Quality Assurance

Name of the subject in Hungarian: Minőségirányítás

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEVESAM206 2+0+0/f 2

Further information on the subject (current semester):

Responsible person and department:

Dr. Viola Horvath, Dept. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry


Dr. László Bezur assoc. professor, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Sándor Tömösközi assoc. professor, Applied Biotechnology and Food Science

Subject is based on:

Analytical chemistry BSc

Aim of the subject:

The course deals with the quality assurance systems of test and calibration laboratories. In the first part  accreditation of the laboratories under ISO/IEC/MSZ 17025/2005 standards is discussed in detail. The second part covers the quality assurance of analytical methods and method validation.

Program of the subject has been developed by:

Dr. László Bezur assoc. professor, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Sándor Tömösközi assoc. professor, Applied Biotechnology and Food Science

Last modified: 2018-11-12 09:13:37