Environmental and Process Engineering Research Group

Contact: 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. F ép. II. lph. 1. emelet, Tel.: +3614631494
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research:

Focus on Sustainability

Renewable resources and energy production/conversion

Find new solutions to convert renewable energy sources (e.g. biomass, wind, solar, geothermal) into high energy densitiy's products and increasing the efficiency of the application of renewable energy sources.

Clean Technologies

Membrane techniques

The low energy need of the process compared to other separation techniques is the great advantage of this clean process. Membranes are used for the production of renewable materials and cleaning waste waters (regeneration of metals and solvents). The emission of waste products can be reduced significantly through membrane techniques.

Distillation, absorption

Regeneration of solvents from industrial wastes and side products, elimination of toxic compounds, wastewater treatment. Carbon dioxide absorption from flue gases and biogases.

The distillation columns and membranes which were designed by our Research Group are applied successfully in several industrial companies.

Life cycle analyis

Industrial processes and products must be designed considering the criterias of sustainability and green chemistry.  In order to do this an exhaustive environmental impact analysis (the so called life cycle analysis) must prior any plant/process design and construction phases to identify possible hazardous environmental impacts and bottlenecks.

Integrated process design

Designing processes considering environmental impacts, process control and possible integration of heat and hybrid technologies.  This field requires modern modelling tools and the latest results of green chemistry.


Our research is based on direct, contemporary industrial needs, mainly in the chemical industry with environmental technology, separation technology (distillation, membrane operations) and integrated process design. Our activity embraces the industrial solutions of technical chemical tasks, starting with the laboratory and then with the pilot plant investigations, through the operation design.

Sample publications:

Awards and achievements:

List of Tenders

2011: Hungarian Hydrology Society – Lászlóffy Woldemár Award

2011: Hungarian Chamber of Engineers – Environmental Engineering Award – 1st place

2014: Professional Publication Hungary Ltd.  – Greennovation Award

2014: 10th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption, Friedrichshafen (Germany) – Most Excellent Poster Award

2014: KÖVET Organization for Sustainable Economy – Eco-design Award

2015: Water- and wastewater treatment in the industry – II. Soós Ernő Scientific Conference – Most Excellent Poster Award

2016: European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Excellence Award in Recognition of an Outstanding PhD Thesis on Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) between 2014 and 2016 – 2nd place

2016: Pro Progressio Foundation – BME Innovation Award 2015

2016: Soós Ernő Young Researcher Award

2016: Water- and wastewater treatment in the industry – III. Soós Ernő Scientific Conference – Most Excellent Poster Award

2016: Budapest Water Summit, BWS 2016 EXPO – Professional Award

2017: Richter Gedeon Centenary Foundation – Funding for conference participation

2017–2020: MTA Bolyai Janos Research Scholarship

2017: Hungarian Association of Water and Wastewater Technology – Junior Water Management Award

2017: Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary – Gran Prize Innovative Interdisciplinary Award – 2nd place

2017: Water- and wastewater treatment in the industry – IV. Soós Ernő Scientific Conference – Most Excellent Poster Award

2017: Institution of Chemical Engineers: IChemE Global Award, Water category – Highly commanded (2nd place)

2017: BME Rector Praise

2017–2018: Ministry of Human Capacities New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP)

2018: Hungarian Hydrology Society – Vitális Sándor Award

2018: Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary – Gran Prize Innovative Interdisciplinary Award – 1st place

2018–2019: ÚNKP Bolyai+ Higher Education Young Researcher Scholarship

2019–2020: ÚNKP Bolyai+ Higher Education Young Researcher Scholarship

2019: Széchenyi István University - Publication Award: Best Scientific Journal Article

2019: Hungarian Chamber of Engineers – Environmental Engineering Award – 1st place

2019: Association of Environmental Enterprises – Environmental Protection Award

2020: Hungarian Association of Water and Wastewater Technology: Dulovics Junior Symposium – Best speaker

2020: MDPI ChemEngineering Travel Award

2020: Hungarian Hydrology Society – Vitális Sándor Award

2020: Hungarian Chemical Society  – Wartha Vince Medallion

2020–2021National Talent Program – NFTÖ Scholarship

2020–2021: Ministry of Innovation and Technology  New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP)

2020: Hungarian Chemical Society  – Thesis Work Award

2021: Tempus Public Foundation – Hungarian State Eotvos Scholarship

2021: Hungarian Academic of Sciences – Bolyai Memorial Sheet

2021: Ministry of Innovation and Technology – Award for Climate Protection

2021: Top Downloaded Papers (2020) - Membranes journal

2021–2022National Talent Program – NFTÖ Scholarship

2022: Scientific Patronage Program

2022: Hungarian Association of Water and Wastewater Technology: Dulovics Junior Symposium – Best speaker

2023: MTA Youth International Conference Scientific Program

2024: Hungarian Hydrology Society – Pro Aqua Medallion

Guest professors:

Polytechnic University of Milan; Lodz University of Technology; KU Leuven; University of Bologna; Technical University of Denmark; Brno University of Technology

Group leader: Dr. Tóth András József