Computationally assisted of organophosphorus and organosilicon chemistry

Call identifier: OTKA-K
Project identifier: 49258
Project coordinator: Nyulászi László
Coordinator department: Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Duration: January 1, 2005 – June 30, 2009
Total cost of the project: 9.750.000 Ft
Total cost of BME (project funding): 9.750.000 Ft (9.750.000 Ft)


The target molecules of our research contain group 14 (C, Si, Ge, Sn) and group 15 (N,P) elements. The most important results are related to unusual bonded molecules including carbenes, phosphinidenes, and hypervalent molecules, including their stabilization and synthesizability. Especially noteworthy results were obtained in cooperation with synthetic research groups in the field of conjugated organophosphorus compounds. Different cunjugated/annellated phosphole-based ring systems were targeted in cooperations with Regis Reau and Thomas Baumgartner. Cationic, neutral and anionic diazaphosphole systems were investigated with the Group of Dietrich Gudat. Investigating the proazaphosphatrane superbase and its derivatives (in a joint work with John Verkade) we have established the effect and extent of transannullation. The formation and the stability of siloxane chains was also investigated.