BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Meghívó Dr. Markus Lenz előadására bioremediation témakörben

2015. június 30. kedd

Kedves Kollégák!


Szeretettel meghívunk mindenkit július 22-én szerdán 10:30-tól a Ch.205-ös teremben Dr. Markus Lenz: "Biomineralization and biomining of inorganics - unifying remediation with resource recovery" című előadására a svájci-magyar Sciex együttműködés keretében.


Az előadó az Institute for Ecopreneurship, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences és a Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University oktatója.


Az előadás témája:
"Bioremediation efforts aiming at reducing dissolved element content in wastewaters or long-term immobilization of elements in soils and sediments are often effective means to tackle inorganic contamination. However, in conventional approaches the elements of concern are lost from the cycle in the form of disposed metal sludges or in the soil / sediment matrix. This is unfavorable from the point of view that a number of contaminants are in fact critical raw materials, being of above average economic importance and facing high supply risk.

The next generation of inorganic bioremediation needs to unite remediation goals with resource recovery and reuse. Topics covered include biologically induced or controlled precipitation of metals and metalloids in general, and critical raw materials (REE or PG metal) in particular, that allow for a later recovery and reuse. Further, we explore possibilities for biomining of critical raw materials of novel secondary sources, such as incineration ashes or e-waste, as a mean of preventive environmental protection."

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