© 2025 BME VBK
Industrial Statistics Research Group
Contact: | kemeny@mail.bme.hu |
Website: | link |
Focal points and main thrusts of research: | |
Introduction: | Main field: engineering statistics, application oriented. Serve our fellow colleagues in their research with supplying with expert advice in the field of design of experiment and data treatment. Industry (mainly pharmaceutical industry) requires or expertise in the same field. |
Sample publications: | Books: Kemény S., Deák A., Lakné Komka K., Kunovszki P.: Kísérletek tervezése és értékelése (Design and analysis of experiments, in Hungarian), Typotex, 2017, ISBN: 978-963-2799-12-4 Kemény S., Deák A., Lakné Komka K., Kunovszki P.: Kísérletek tervezése és értékelése (Design and analysis of experiments, Supplementary volume, in Hungarian), Kiegészítő kötet, Typotex, 2017, ISBN: 978-963-279 956 8 Design of experiments: D. Weiser, F. Nagy, G. Bánóczi, M. Oláh, A. Farkas, A. Szilágyi, Á. Gellért, G. Marosi, S. Kemény, L. Poppe: Immobilization engineering – How to design advanced sol-gel systems for biocatalysis?, Green Chemistry, 2017, 19, 3927 – 3937, DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00896A R. Németh, S. Kemény, A. Csendes, S.Tömösközi, Á. Bánfalvi: Investigation of scale reduction in a laboratory bread-making procedure: Comparative analysis and method development, Journal of Cereal Science, November 2017, 79, DOI 10.1016/j.jcs.2017.11.009 T. Molnar, V. Baranyai, S. Kemény, Gy. Bánhegyi, József Szabó: Adjusting the Flexibility of Fabric Reinforced Composite Laminates Using Experimental Design, Materials Science Forum 02/2015; 812:181-187. Szabados E., Sranko, D.F, Somodi F., Maróti B., Kemény S., Tungler A.: Wet oxidation of dimethylformamide via designed experiments approach studied with Ru and Ir containing Ti mesh monolith catalysts, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2015.12.019 E. Kaczorek, K. Bielicka-Daszkiewicz, K. Héberger, S. Kemény, A. Olszanowski, A. Voelkel: Best conditions for biodegradation of diesel oil by chemometric tools: Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology] 01/2014; 45(1):117-26. DOI:10.1590/S1517-83822014005000029 Quality Engineering: E. Vágó, S. Kemény: Critique of the AIAG Cross-Tabulation Procedure for Attribute Gauge R&R Study, International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, 2 75-93, (2011), DOI: 10.1504/IJQET.2011.038724 E. Vágó, S. Kemény: A model-based approach for attribute gauge analysis, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: 10.1002/qre.1154 27 (6), (2011), 753–769 E. Vágó, S. Kemény: Random Effects Model for Attribute Gauge R&R, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: 10.1002/qre.1269 28:(8) pp. 807-823. (2011) Supporting analytical chemistry: R. Berky, E. Sipkó, G. Balázs, A. H. Harasztos, S. Kemény, J. Fekete: Coupled-Column RP-HPLC in Combination with Chemometrics for the Characterization and Classification of Wheat Varieties, Chromatographia, 2016, Volume 79, pp 811–821, doi:10.1007/s10337-016-3091-3 K. Török, L. Hajas, V. Horváth, E. Schall, Zs. Bugyi, S. Kemény, S. Tömösközi: Identification of the factors affecting the analytical results of food allergen ELISA methods: European Food Research and Technology (Zeitschrift für LebensmittelUntersuchung und -Forschung A), 241 Number 1, l (2015) 241:127-136 DOI 10.1007/s00217-015-2441-y B. Bánfai, S. Kemény: Estimation of bias for single-point calibration, Journal of Chemometrics, 26, 117–124 (2012) S. Kemény, A. Deák, B. Bánfai: Testing accuracy of analytical methods by regression methods, J. Chemometrics, 23 211-216 (2009) B. Bánfai; K. Ganzler; S. Kemény: Content uniformity and assay requirements in current regulations, J. Chromatogr. A. 1156 206-212 (2007) Supporting pharmaceutical industry: É. Pusztai, S. Kemény, E. Vágó, A. Horváth: Decision risk approach to the application of biological indicators in vapor phased hydrogen peroxide bio-decontamination, Journal of Chemometrics, e3015., DOI:10.1002/cem.3015 (2018) M. Mihalovits, S. Kemény: Methods for Identifying Out-of-Trend Data in Analysis of Stability Measurements—Part I: Regression control chart: Pharm. Tech. 41 (11) 45–53 (2017). M. Mihalovits, S. Kemény: Methods for Identifying Out-of-Trend Data in Analysis of Stability Measurements—Part II: By-Time-Point and Multivariate Control Chart: Pharm. Tech. 41 (12) 38-43 (2017) K. Komka, S. Kemény, B. Bánfai: Novel tolerance interval model for the estimation of the shelf life of pharmaceutical products, Journal of Chemometrics, 24, 131-139 (2010) |
Awards and achievements: | Hungarian Quallity Scientific Literature 2017 Kemény S., Deák A., Lakné Komka K., Kunovszki P.: Kísérletek tervezése
és értékelése (Design and analysis of experiments, in Hungarian),
Typotex, 2017, ISBN: 978-963-2799-12-4 Kemény S., Deák A., Lakné
Komka K., Kunovszki P.: Kísérletek tervezése és értékelése (Design and
analysis of experiments, Supplementary volume, in Hungarian), Kiegészítő
kötet, Typotex, 2017, ISBN: 978-963-279 956 8)Sándor Kemény: Görög Jenő prize for teaching activities (2004) Kinga Komka: Excellent Teacher of BME (2017) |
Guest professors: | |
Group leader: | Dr. Kemény Sándor |