Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
Biomérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc |
Name of the subject in Hungarian: Élelmiszeranalitika
Course ID | Assessment | Credits |
BMEVEBEA511 | 4+0+0/v | 4 |
Dr. Sándor, Tömösközi, Associate Professor - Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science
Name: |
Post: |
Department: |
Dr. Sándor Tömösközi |
Associate Professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Dr. András Salgó |
Professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Dr. Szilveszter Gergely |
Associate Professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Zsuzsanna Dr. Bugyi Kormosné |
Assistant Professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Dr. Kitti Török |
Assistant Professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Biochemistry, analytical chemistry, Food chemistry and mikrobiology
BMEVEAAA302 Analytical chemistry
BMEVEBEA301 Biochemistry
To provide basic knowledge on the field of:
Ø Principles in food chemistry and analysis
Ø Determination of macro (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates), micro components, and contaminants
Ø Other possible components: biogenic amines, antioxidants, enzymes etc.
Ø Classical and modern instrumental methods of analysis
Ø Rapid and non-destructive methods
Ø Complex result evaluation of food analysis, limiting values, current regulations
Név: |
Beosztás: |
Tanszék, Int.: |
Dr. Sándor Tömösközi |
Associate professor |
Dr. Radomir Lásztity + |
Professzor Emeritus |
Dr. András Salgó |
Professor |
Last modified: 2018-09-11 19:02:00