Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
Környezetmérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc |
Name of the subject in Hungarian: Környezetvédelmi biotechnológia
Course ID | Assessment | Credits |
BMEVEMKAKM2 | 0+2+0/f | 2 |
Gábor Márk Tardy, Ph.D., Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science
Name: |
Post: |
Department: |
Gábor Márk Tardy |
Associate professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Biology basics
BMEVEMKAKM1 Biology basics
To introduce the biochemical, microbiological and technological basics of the environmental biotechnological processes, and illustrate their efficient and cost-effective applicability by appropriate case studies.
Name: |
Post: |
Department: |
Andrea Jobbágy, Ph.D. |
Professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Vince Bakos, Ph.D. |
Assistant professor |
Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science |
Gábor Márk Tardy PhD Associate professor Dept. of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science
Last modified: 2024-08-28 11:17:55