A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Biomérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc

Subject data sheet

Bioinorganic Chemistry

Name of the subject in Hungarian: Bioszervetlen kémia

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEVESAA501 2+0+0/f 2

Responsible person and department:

Dr Julianna Oláh


Dr Julianna Oláh

Subject is based on:

inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry


BMEVESAA208 - Inorganic chemistry and BMEVESZA204 - Organic chemistry for bio-engineers  or equivalent

Aim of the subject:

By teaching bio-inorganic chemistry, we want to introduce the relationship between inorganic chemistry and biochemistry, the most important issues of the new field of science. Discuss the role of elements and inorganic compounds in biological processes, formation of metallic bio-complexes, toxic inorganic compounds, and bio-active compounds containing various inorganic ions used in medicine. The subject relies on the basics of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry, but its knowledge can be used well for specific biochemical subjects taught later.

Program of the subject has been developed by:

Last modified: 2023-08-25 08:06:33