Dr. Tünde Tóth, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
Környezetmérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc |
Name of the subject in Hungarian: Kémia II.
Course ID | Assessment | Credits |
BMEVESZAKM1 | 4+0+1/v | 5 |
Dr. Tünde Tóth, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology
Dr. Tünde Tóth |
associate professor |
Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology |
Simonné Dr. habil. Livia Sarkadi |
full professor |
Department of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Corvinus University of |
Basic knowledge of general, inorganic and biomolecular chemistry. Basic knowledge of laboratory practice.
BMEVESAAKM1 Chemistry I.
BMEVESTAKM1 Safety in the Chemistry Industry
Modern basic knowledge in this field of natural sciences for enviromental engineering students. During this course the students should learn the basics of organic chemistry, they should develop an organic chemistry aspect and gain proper theoretical and practical grounds for the further studies on material sciences, organic chemistry, chemical technology, environmental chemistry and biochemistry.
Simonné Dr. habil. Livia Sarkadi, Dr. Tünde Tóth
Last modified: 2020-01-31 19:53:05