Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
Gyógyszervegyész-mérnöki mesterképzési szak nappali MSc |
Subject data sheet
Packaging technology
Name of the subject in Hungarian: Csomagolástechnika
Course ID | Assessment | Credits |
BMEVESZM710 | 2+0+0/f | 2 |
Further information on the subject (current semester):
Responsible person and department:
Marosi György, Organic Chemistry and Technology Department
Dr. Marosi György, Organic Chemistry and Technology Department
Dr. Szolnoki Beáta, Organic Chemistry and Technology Department
Subject is based on:
Organic chemistry
Aim of the subject:
The lectures introduce the basic terms and classification of packaging technology; discuss the design and production of packaging systems considering the environmental and health aspects. Special attention is paid to the role of transport processes through packaging and to the relevant investigation and characterization methods. Among the various ways of modification the formation of active and intelligent packaging are especially pronounced.
Program of the subject has been developed by:
Last modified: 2024-12-02 14:27:11
Data sheets of other subjects can be found here.