László Mika, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
Környezetmérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc |
Subject data sheet
Enviromental Process Engineering I
Name of the subject in Hungarian: Környezeti eljárástan I
Course ID | Assessment | Credits |
BMEVEVMAKM2 | 2+0+3/f | 5 |
Responsible person and department:
Name: |
Post: |
Department: |
Peter Mizsey |
professor |
Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering |
Katalinn Koczka Angyalne senior assistent Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Subject is based on:
Basics of environmental protection
Mathematicsc, Physical chemistry
Aim of the subject:
To explain the basics of the environmental engineering. Study of mechanical and heat transfer operations.
Program of the subject has been developed by:
Prof. Peter Mizsey, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Last modified: 2022-02-14 12:59:43
Data sheets of other subjects can be found here.